miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016

To sum up, we had a really great time making this research project: we worked as a team, we helped to each other and we learnt a lot. It has been a new experience and we have done all our best to enjoy it. Congratulations 2nd C!!

Para terminar, hemos pasado un muy buen rato haciendo este proyecto de investigación: hemos trabajado en equipo, nos hemos ayudado mutuamente y hemos aprendido mucho. Ha sido una experiencia nueva y hemos hecho todo lo posible por pasárnoslo bien. ¡Felicidades 2ºC!

martes, 14 de junio de 2016

Picasso's "Guernica" in black and white and in color and features for the interpretation of the painting

This painting is because the Civil War and Gernika's bombing

The song "Spanish bombs" by the British music band The Clash tells us about the Civil War in Spain

"Now and Then" how was live before and now, with the contribution of Ruth's book of Marcilla.


 The Wheel and the Plow

 The Compass and Gun Powder

The Printing, Peniciline and the Internet

lunes, 13 de junio de 2016


June it is always a tough month and full of changes: classes are coming to an end,we are both, students and teachers, tired and summer is coming at least! So, in order to get ready for a new course, why not changing our working method and involving students into their learning process?
That is why I decided to make something new, because learning and school it is not only work, worksheets, exams and more exams. We are in a beatiful period, not really demanding and we want to have fun.
Our project is based on English, Science, Arts, Values and also a bit of Music.
Due to Esther's birthday (April 26th) we discovered that 79 years ago Gernika was bombed because of the civil war; that is when we started a research project: what is the Civil war? Why did they bombed Gernika? Picasso painted the Gernika, right? So, how was living before and now? Ready to learn!

Students fulfilling the information gathered in the research